A dive into our project’s 2nd Work Package

Project INFINITY is making great progress, in its path to empower migrants, through its 2nd Work Package: INFINITY’s Competences Framework for developing migrants financial literacy

skills (WP2). This work package, focuses on developing a framework to improve migrants’ financial literacy, entrepreneurship, and soft skills. By completing tasks such as research and report development, all project partners have identified the needs of migrants in their respective country (Germany, Greece, Cyprus, Belgium, Spain, Italy), laying the groundwork for future project outcomes.

All project partners actively participated in completing tasks for WP2. Through thorough research, partners analysed what migrant communities require in terms of skills for entrepreneurship, soft skills, and financial literacy. This collaborative effort has provided a deep understanding of the challenges migrants face and the specific skills needed to address these challenges.

Our projects’ research activities, revealed, the discrimination between migrants coming from the European Union and Third Country Nationals based on rights and statuses in Cyprus, and the need  to address the disparities in their rights and responsibilities. In Belgium, there is a need for reliable data collection and regular assessments of financial literacy levels among the population. Germany emphasizes the importance of culturally sensitive and multilingual financial education programs tailored to the specific needs and challenges faced by migrants. Greece recognizes the early stage of financial literacy education and the need for comprehensive and widespread programs that reach both the general population and migrants.

By identifying migrants’ specific needs, partners can develop effective strategies and interventions to enhance financial literacy, entrepreneurship, and soft skills. The competency framework resulting from these tasks will guide vocational education and training (VET) institutions in designing curricula and evaluating migrants’ financial-related skills. The significance of these tasks is to support migrants’ integration into society, the labor market, and self-employment opportunities. These tasks mark an important milestone in the project’s progress, paving the way for targeted initiatives and interventions to address the identified needs.

The work that was accomplished by all project partners, demonstrates the collaborative effort of Project INFINITY in empowering migrant communities. These findings will inform the development of a competency framework that will shape future interventions and initiatives.

Project INFINITY acknowledges the importance of addressing migrants’ specific needs and recognizes the role of vocational education and training institutions in supporting their development. By equipping migrants with essential knowledge and skills, the project aims to promote integration, self-employment, and the well-being of the communities they belong to.


Article Created by,

Marilia Skentou
The Square Dot Team

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them. 2022-1-DE02-KA220-VET-000086853

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