Τhe Partnership
Earso UG 🇩🇪
Earso is a social consulting entity focused on addressing sustainability and livelihood question facing Africa and Europe in the social, economic, and political contexts. This is achieved by transferring evidence-based solutions through local initiatives both ways by leveraging on the comparative opportunities and advantages of both continents to find a solution to the interconnected challenges currently faced by both continents.
The Square Dot team 🇧🇪
The Square Dot team specialises in the policy fields of social inclusion, migration, entrepreneurship, VET and skills development. In this context, we aim to develop research and provide policy advice with the view to enrich public policy with tailor-made, innovative and socially responsible solutions in the following areas:
• School support & curriculum design
• Trainings and capacity building
• Policy research
• EU funding Advice
• Career coaching & Business Mentoring
Stando Ltd 🇨🇾
STANDO LTD is a research and educational organisation based in Cyprus, dedicated to the advancement of research and innovation. We are, at the same time, an approved VET Centre accredited by the Human Resource Development Authority of Cyprus. The strength of our enterprise primarily lies in our highly qualified team and its extended network of international partners. Our dynamic and experienced academics, researchers and practitioners are committed in implementing large scale co-funded projects and collaborate with organizations from Cyprus and around the world. We actively participate in the planning and implementation of national and international projects, aiming at providing innovative solutions that facilitate the development of people and the cohesion of societies.
Innovation Hive 🇬🇷
Innovation Hive is a private non-profit organization located in Greece, specialized in the fields of research and innovation. Our actions aim to enhance the economic and social cohesion of European societies while our goal is to find solutions to the new innovation challenges, achieve growth, sustainability and maximize the impact to the society. The organization’s philosophy in order to achieve these goals is based on co-creation methodologies and a quadruple helix approach. The engagement of stakeholders from industry, science and society is aiming to create links between the businesses, the academia and the civic actors in order to develop a combination of knowledge, skills, tools, values and motivation.
Instalofi Levante SL 🇪🇸
Instalofi Levante S.L. (FyG Consultores) is a private, high-level training enterprise, pioneers in co-creation with companies, adults and young people in the training on innovative concepts, business creation, employability basic skills, literacy and numeracy skills, entrepreneurship and soft and hard skills training. FyG has experience in running a wide range of trainings courses and mentoring programmes for companies, entrepreneurs, Start-Ups, also with individuals from disadvantage groups. It acts a body providing career guidance, professional counselling and information providing services of job insertion and intermediation on the labour market for unemployed as: orientation, training, assessment and information. In recent years, FyG has developed and implement a number of European international cooperation projects with Erasmus+ and COSME programme.
Gridustry 🇬🇷
Gridustry is accelerating a new electricity market system and empowering the transition to green energy through our digital solutions, connecting consumers with renewable energy producers around the world. To achieve this, team apply new artificial intelligence techniques and decentralized technologies while providing IT services and expanding its position in other sectors. Gridustry provide powerful solutions to manage the green energy certification processes among all the variable stakeholders. We have created a breakthrough digital bridge that handles all the in-between steps from energy production to the creation of the digital green energy certification.
Med.O.R.O. scarl 🇮🇹
Medoro is an Italian organization whose mission is to promote sustainable local development, social cohesion, international cooperation and youth employment through training and self-employment guidance. In over 15 years of activity, we have promoted and managed, directly or in collaboration with public and private bodies, numerous training, territorial development and transnational cooperation projects. We are therefore very familiar with the following funds and programs: ERDF, ESF, FIFG, Urban, Archimed, Medocc, 3C West, Grundtvig, Ita-Malta, EIE, EAGGF, Erasmus+. We are committed to promoting the involvement of public institutions and local actors who are protagonists of development processes and to facilitate the participation of the main actors involved in the “education-training-work-entrepreneurship” chain, in territorial cooperation initiatives, youth mobility, planning and experimentation of innovative and appreciated European training tools.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them. 2022-1-DE02-KA220-VET-000086853