Enhancing Project Implementation: The Development of the INFINITY E-Learning Platform

Partners are working on creating a new e-learning platform to improve the successful implementation of key project elements like sustainability, transferability, and accessibility. This platform features an interactive and innovative design with the goal of offering a user-friendly space for different project tasks and work components. At the heart of this initiative is WP4, which has established precise goals to direct the platform’s growth.

The goals of Workpackage 4 involve creating and sharing learning materials for all visitors, meant to enhance current training resources by including interactive learning scenarios. Furthermore, a significant emphasis is placed on enhancing the financial, entrepreneurial, and soft skills of migrants, providing them with vital competencies for their personal and professional development. The platform aims to create a well-known online presence and provide gaming materials to help the target audience improve their skills, ultimately enhancing their learning using captivating and interactive content. Additionally, the goal of Workpackage 4 is to establish a worldwide interactive platform that encourages a feeling of unity and connection among users, offering peer assistance and reinforcing their European identity.

Workpackage 4 aims to produce two important outcomes: the INFINITY e-learning platform and the INFINITY Digital Board Game. The INFINITY e-learning platform will consist of a variety of essential elements. The project zone will offer essential details about the project, such as goals, tasks, and collaborations, and will have a sign-up form for courses and updates on project advancements and newsletters. Access to the internal space will be granted after signing up, where users will need to provide basic information and will have access to various e-learning materials. Online courses will offer training materials in both English and the languages of all partners, guaranteeing wide accessibility.

A training module will assist in user testing and evaluation by offering rewards and advancement options determined by test outcomes, enabling users to retake tests for score improvement and move forward in unlocked trainings. All project outcomes and materials, including recommended readings and inspirational videos, will be stored in an electronic library. A social panel will allow users to interact with each other, promoting a collaborative learning atmosphere. Moreover, the reporting module will have its own analytics database for managing performance, tools for users to easily create dashboards and reports, and automated delivery and storage for these outputs.

The INFINITY Digital Board Game is the second main outcome, created as a turn-based game for educational purposes. A maximum of eight participants can join in, engaging in a game structured like “Trivial Pursuit.” Players will engage in rolling dice, responding to questions, and making decisions in relation to financial and entrepreneurial topics as well as enhancing soft skills. The game is designed for a 30-minute interactive experience, enabling players to advance through resilience levels by answering stimulating questions.

The creation of the INFINITY e-learning platform and the corresponding digital board game shows a substantial progression in carrying out the project. The platform’s goal is to improve the skills of its target group, promote a sense of community, and guarantee the project’s results can be sustained and transferred by establishing a comprehensive, interactive, and accessible educational setting. Partners are dedicated to offering important resources for personal and professional growth, which in turn helps the project succeed.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them. 2022-1-DE02-KA220-VET-000086853

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